Softening Resistance in the Body

My process is intended to be a part of a regular self care routine. Keeping the body in healthy alignment requires balancing of energy, in addition to all the things we do to stay in good health.

How we do or do not express our feelings can create resistance, armoring, and tension within our cells. Our bodies become a reflection of our culture, experiences, relationships, and the stories we tell. My work is here to create safety in the body. When we experience safety we are able to clear blocks and encourage new paradigms to emerge, we are able to change forms. Like the law of conservation states: Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transmuted from one form to another.

New forms, softer forms, allow our energy to resound within us. It gives us access to the untold and endless wisdom of the body. The body knows the answers to the questions our minds create. We can listen to our hearts, our guts, our tissues for insight and guidance.

We can reclaim this intelligence. Our bodies can become our source of comfort, possibility, and shelter no matter what we are currently experiencing. Our bodies are magic.

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