Present Bodies

This year has been an annihilation. All of my old systems, beliefs, methods, and practices have evaporated. My physical body is remodeled, completely new and foreign to me. I am in uncharted territory.

I’ve been working hard, trying my best to meet this inner chaos as an opportunity to expand. Choosing to lean into the intensity of this experience, grieving the loss, opens me up to portals of transformation. This is an opportunity to dig deeper, move through difficult emotions, integrate and embed new pathways to connect with my body.

I’m so grateful to be immersed in this experience. To know the utter heartbreak of inhabiting a body that is in pain, that won’t perform the way it once did, that is unfamiliar. From the time we were born our bodies have been in constant evolution. As infants we learned how to have a body, how to inhabit the body we were given. This is our work, to connect with this vessel as it is, to learn about the bodies we have in this moment.

I’m currently enrolled in a two year bodywork program. Right now, my limited schedule only allows for me to work with a small group of people. I’m planning on creating more space in the spring of 2024. My work encompasses breathwork, movement, manual manipulation, and hands on healing. Each visit is unique and each program is specifically tailored to individual needs. If you would like to learn more or join the waitlist please reach out here.


Happy to be here.
